Nowadays people are suffering from various pests problems and the ant is also a threat to human beings. There are numerous types of ant species. However, there are 5 types of ants that you will mostly find in your home. Such as Formica (field) ants, fire ants, Argentine ants, black ants, and carpenter ants. If you are facing an ant problem in your home then it’s really difficult to get rid of them easily because it requires too much effort. Also, you need to know which types of ants are there in your kitchen and then decide how you will remove these ants permanently because if you don’t know then you will get difficult to remove.
Know About Black Ants
You can easily find these black ants in your home and especially from June to August and usually breeds more. These ants are very tiny, 1.5 to 2 mm in length. This ant depends on fruits, vegetables, oil, corn, sweets, and meat. Also, these insects live on other insects. These little ants are mini in size and sting humans but their sting is not very strong, but still, you have to be very careful because these can be increased, and difficult to get rid of them easily. In this case, it is essential to do ant control treatment at home.
Fire Ants
Fire ants are red and these ants are small mostly 1/5 in size but very dangerous and sting badly that burn a lot and pain. These ants are a threat to your kids and aged people in your home. Mostly these ants mounds can be seen in your home garden below the ground, and near the tree trunk. And these ants grow in the warm and dry season. The best way to end this ant is simply to persecute and saturate this is the effective home pest control services treatment to get rid of them.
How To Handle Argentine Ants
These ants are not very dangerous because they cannot sting. These ants can just bite. You will not be comfortable with these bites but these are not severe. These ants have numerous groups and nests so you cannot handle these ants with a single product. They mostly build a nest in wall cracks. To get rid of these ants you need to make efforts and need professional methods to deal with them.
Know Better Carpenter Ants
These ants are dangerous to your home property. It destroys your home furniture; they chew the wood and breed inside the wood. Moreover, these ants have affection towards moist wood also if they find a moist place in your home such as the washroom and kitchen sink, and home garden where they get the wet place. Here you need to take professionals’ advice to get away from your home.
Filed (Formica ) Ants
These ants are very tiny in size from 4 to 8 mm. Also, these ant species are in numerous colors such as black, brown, red, and yellow. Mostly you will see these ants in outdoor areas such as on soil, green fields, grass, and in the dead woods. So, you can find these ants in your home park. Here you need to hire outdoor pest control professionals to get rid of these ants permanently.
If you still finding an issue in dealing with these ants and again and again they are taking place in your home then you need to call the ants experts because they have knowledge of types of ants species and know how to deal with them properly and this way you will get rid from these all various types of ants from your home.