Home Remedies For Flea Bites You Need To Know

Insects like fleas are very irritating as they bite and feed themselves by sucking the blood of animals or humans. There are many species of fleas lurking around in this world but the most common one is the cat flea whose scientific name is Ctenocephalides felis. If you notice sand fleas, then, they cannot be categorised as fleas but they bite like cat fleas. If a flea bites you then, you will be able to find a red spot on your body that looks very tiny but irritates a lot. Let’s have a look at the symptoms of flea bites:

  • Red spot.
  • Itching.
  • Hives
  • Rashes
  • Swelling

If you find any symptoms of these flea bites, then, you should treat them as soon as possible because it can cause you severe allergic problems or you might feel wheezing, swelling of the tongue or lips, chest pain, or nausea. You should never ignore flea bites, as they cause itching and excessive scratching on the bite area can raise infections. Fleas carry a lot of diseases that can be transmitted to you by their bite. So, if you want to keep yourself healthy, then, you should not ignore flea bites.

Flea Infestation
Flea Infestation

Now, the thing is how you will get to know about Pest infestation? Well, there are lots of signs which indicate their infestation like first and the common sign you will get is your pet will start scratching or biting themselves more than usual. If you don’t have pets, still fleas can infest, you should not judge them by their tiny size. They can cause severe and extreme destruction in your life, just by biting or sucking your blood.

Home remedies for flea bites

If you have fleas in your home, then, they must have destroyed your peace till now by biting or sucking your blood. Well, not to worry, in this article, we are sharing some homemade pest solutions for flea bites.

  • For healing the flea bites, you can use ice packs. It will give you some relief from itching.
  • You can also prefer to use Aloe Vera or its gel. It will also soothe your skin and give you some relief from itching.
  • The other best home remedy for flea bites is using witch hazel or rubbing alcohol.
  • You can also apply vinegar to your skin, it will give some relief too.
  • Using tea tree oil will also work. If you don’t have tea tree oil, then, for flea bites you can also use tea bags that you have already used for making tea in your home.


If you want to keep fleas away from your home, then, you should make your pets bathe daily or brush their hair daily after taking them. Also, you need to keep your home clean, doing regular vacuuming will be the best or if not, you should light clean your home.


So, these are some of the home remedies for flea bites that you need to know about. Following the fleas control tips will give you some relief from flea bites.